How to Install Media Feature Pack on Windows 10 N and Windows 10 KN [Tutorial]
How to Install Media Feature Pack on Windows 10 N and Windows 10 KN [Tutorial]
How to Install Media Feature Pack on Windows 10 N and Windows 10 KN [Tutorial]
Microsoft distributes special “N” editions of Windows in Europe and “KN” editions of Windows in Korea. These are the same as the standard editions of Windows, except they don’t include Windows Media Player and other multimedia playback features.
How Are “N” and “KN” Editions Different?
“N” editions of Windows are available in Europe, and are missing a few media-related features. On Windows 7, you’ll find that Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center are missing. On Windows 10, they don’t include Windows Media Player, Groove Music, Movies & TV, Voice Recorder, or Skype.
“KN” editions of Windows are available in Korea. They remove Windows Media Player and related multimedia features, just like Windows N. When the KN versions of Windows were created, they also removed Windows Messenger. However, Microsoft has since discontinued this application.
You don’t have to buy an N or KN edition of Windows, even if you live in these areas. Standard editions of Windows are also available for purchase.
Microsoft has made available Media Feature Pack for N Editions of Windows 10 version 1903. The "N" edition is targeted for Europe, and "KN" for Korea. Both editions include all the essential features of the OS except Windows Media Player, Music, Video, Voice Recorder, and Skype. If you need to add these features to the OS, you need to install Media Feature Pack.
This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops,and tablets running the Windows 10 N and KN operating system from all supported hardware manufactures, like Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba,Lenovo, and Samsung.
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dell, hp, acer, tablet, laptop, media feature pack windows 10, media feature pack for n and kn versions of windows 10 camera, media feature pack for n and kn...How to Install Media Feature Pack on Windows 10 N and Windows 10 KN [Tutorial]
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